Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16, 2009

Ahoy from Namaste on Judith Point Pond, Rhode Island.

How is everybody? Hope you all are enjoying the fruits of a lovely summer.

A big thanks to Katie, Anne and Sam for a memorable July 4th!

We left Larchmont and family on July 7 and began our trek north. We have anchored in the Norwalk Islands and the Thimble Islands in New York, Mystic River in Connecticut and at present Judith Point Pond in Rhode Island.

We decided to spend the remainder of our time out here on Namaste exploring the beauty of the Cape Cod ponds, rivers, bays, sounds and islands. We enjoy taking our time in the many places we visit. We have been getting out the kayaks and seeing the water sights up close. We continue to keep up with boat projects although at this point we are letting some wait until our return to Deltaville. I have taken lots of time for watercolor. We are enjoying the crisp, cool summer that is New England.

The air gets fresher as we get further from New York. It is good to breathe deeply of this clear, blue air. I have been spending time learning to breathe mindfully, sinking into the inner body and living from that center. Practicing presence. I am learning to surrender thoughts of past and future for a life lived more fully in the present. I am continually amazed by the way mind likes to stick with a program, any program. But the heart is willing to be open to a new experience…so I continue to practice, practice. Both kayaking and painting are great portals into the present moment.

We had a really great time at Mystic Seaport. The museum truly offers the flavor of life in a port village in 1876. There is a full replica of a seaport with market place, bank, a cooper, marine supplies, hardware store and more. We enjoyed reenactments of children’s games, a rescue, and town entertainment. Some number of years ago the museum received a gift of the Charles W. Morgan whaling vessel. It has become one of the central features of the museum. It is on the hard for restoration this year. We were still able to take a tour on this historic vessel.

At present we are enjoying the peace and quiet on Judith Point Pond. The canal entrance to the pond parts the water between the towns of Galilee and Jerusalem. Gives one pause. We are near the town of Wakefield and can dinghy in to get supplies. We met up with Julie and Mark from Rachel while here. We had a lovely dinner on Rachel and met new friends Beep and Ed from Midwatch and Evie and Jack from Distant Star. Beep and Ed have family in Wakefield and Beep spent a morning driving us to the grocery store and showing us her hometown. We have felt very welcomed here on Judith Point Pond.

We are waiting for weather to sail up to the island of Cuttyhunk at the southern tip of the Elizabeth Islands and then on to Martha’s Vineyard for a couple of days. We have a good friend, Malcolm, on the Vineyard and plan to spend some time with him there. We have altered plans to go to Maine for more quality time spent around Cape Cod. We will also head to Peconic Bay to see Pete and Michelle before we head back to the Chesapeake Bay.

We intend to be back in the Deltaville around September 1. At that time we will put Namaste in a slip for two months and head back to Altamont Street. We are hoping to spend as much time as possible on Namaste this fall in the Chesapeake. Knowing that the year is drawing to a close makes it all the more precious. While we both look forward to being home surrounded by family and friends, we value the gift we have here and now on Namaste.

Peace and Love

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