Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009

Ahoy from Nassau,

How is everyone? We are doing great, enjoying ourselves, exploring, adventuring, dancing with the wind, sea and each other.

It is good to make a plan. That way there is some direction upon which to focus activity. On the other hand it is not good to attach too much to that direction or activity because we live in a constantly changing universe. Living on Namaste and taking this journey continues to magnify that truth.

We are back in Nassau for a couple of days. During our lovely week in Warderick Wells we realized that Namaste was due new house batteries. We also knew it would be easier to acquire the batteries here in Nassau than somewhere farther down the Exuma chain. Luckily we were able to get the exact same (almost) batteries on a shipment from Miami the day we called, resulting in a very quick and straightforward exchange (hopefully). And, Chappell and Betsy fly into Nassau today and are saved an extra flight down to Staniel Cay where we originally planned to meet them.

Nassau has been good to us. We ran into some friends from Deltaville and have made new friends as well. Chris was able to work out a problem with our steering. I completed some sewing projects begun in Deltaville and put aside so we could head south. We will also provision here where there are more fresh foods available. All is well.

We hear from the locals that the weather we are experiencing is unusually cold. While we were able to swim and snorkel in warm weather last week, we are in pants, sweaters and socks this week. Nassau Harbor is cloudy, choppy and chilly although that in no way dampens our experience.

When we began this trip I was so new to sailing and living with the wind. When the wind speed rose to 25 or 30 knots I had an immediate conditioned response of fear and anxiety. Is the wind too strong to sail, will our anchor hold? I would also travel down the road of What If for quite a long way only adding to conflicting emotions.

I am still new to sailing and wind at 25 knots is the norm. The Bahamas are quite breezy in the winter months. “Rocky” our Rocna anchor is the champ of anchors and gives us both a degree of security. I am practicing staying present rather than traveling down the What If road. I am finding a more relaxed and unburdened path in the present moment, in each moment that I can be aware and awake. The internal journey is as much of an adventure as the external.

We hope to head again down the island chain of jewels that is the Exumas tomorrow, this time with Betsy and Pell exploring along with us. If you are reading from Charlottesville, give Isaac a hug for us. And if you are in the eighth grade at Tandem, I will be thinking of you during Emphasis Week.

Included are some photos that did not load last time, the painted engine covers and the banaquit birds. There is also a photo taken of Chris and I with Dick the Dog who is famous in Key West for motorcycling, skateboarding, jet skiing and his very cool look.

Peace and Love

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